It makes obvious that sound frequencies affect how we feel because everything, including ourselves, vibrates at a certain frequency. Because of this, certain songs and musical genres frequently evoke particular feelings in us. This is also a factor in sound therapy, an age-old therapeutic method that employs tonal frequencies to put the body in a state of vibrational balance and harmony.

So how does it function? You normally lie down on the floor or a yoga mat during a sound healing session, also known as a sound bath, and just listen as a practitioner plays a variety of instruments while you “bathe” in the calming sounds and vibrations. It’s a “meditative acoustic sound concert,” according to Roxie Sarhangi, a Los Angeles-based certified sound healer. The body’s natural ability to heal itself is then triggered by the sound frequencies, which slow down brain waves to a very restorative condition.

The instruments that practitioners utilise during sessions the most frequently are drums, singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls, and tuning forks.

4 rewards of sound therapy

1. It is very calming

One of the biggest and most common advantages of sound therapy is deep relaxation. Our system is brought back into balance by the noises, according to Sarhangi. Relaxation is therefore worthwhile even if you gain nothing else from a sound healing session. We all need some calm energy with our hectic schedules and everything going on in the globe.

2. It aids in removing energy obstructions

As their chakras open, clear, and balance and trapped energy is released, some persons who receive sound therapy find profound healing. According to Schieffelin, it is a “energetic deep tissue massage” that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and in equilibrium

According to Schieffelin, physical sensations like tingling in the hands or a feeling of being hot or chilly may also occur during the healing process. “Without identifying or identifying with the sensations, simply breathe into them. Instead, concentrate on your breathing as you let them go.”

3. It improves your wellbeing

You’re right; it’s not all woo-woo. According to Schieffelin, “Research has already shown that sound healing can be extremely helpful when working with [a range of] patients.”

Benefits may include better sleep, a drop in blood pressure and chronic pain, lowered cholesterol, and a lower risk of heart disease. (However, for qualified assistance with these conditions, please see a licenced medical professional.

4. It promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Additionally, it promotes emotional and mental healing. According to Schieffelin, “sound healing helps alleviate tension, anxiety, and depression.” It brings about mental balance and clarity as well as a restored sense of purpose, wellbeing, peace, and happiness.